Before I start, welcome to my little world on the internet.
Let me introduce my self, my name is Adrian, Im a ham radio enthusiast , call sign VK5ZBR. I earn a living as an technical officer in radio communications, I basically solve problems and fix things.
I have been working in this industry since I was 18.
I started out my career as a Radio trades apprentice and worked my way up.
In my profession I specialise in HF radio, satellite phone, CB radio and marine products. I also design custom electronics to solve issues.
Since the early 90’s I have been involved in radio direction finding in ham radio and professionally. Spent thousands of hours developing and making custom antennas, electronics for direction finding equipment.
Im hoping to share some of my skills, tips and projects. I have met plenty of friends and work colleagues that are very clever over the years, their skill have rubbed off on me. Check out the AREG club I was part of founding and proud of.
I like to collect mainly Yaesu radio’s to restore, the ones I couldn’t afford when I was younger. This also includes a few transistor radios, especially shortwave. I have most of the Dick Smith ham radio electronic kits, still looking for that hard to get 6m transceiver kit.
With a big list of radios to restore, this is the way I can afford them being broken and unloved.
Im into 3D printing, drawing and design using Fusion 360. In my spare time I make spare parts or custom parts to repair things. Metal turning and wood work are also a good pass time.
Love to travel, Covid has restricted this.
Haven’t surfed for a while, I had a craze starting in my 30’s that lasted for 12 years. Even went on a surf tour up the east coast with people half my age. I have kept my surf boards, a Robert August 9,6 “what a ride”, a 8ft fish and my first board a Cut Loose 9ft 2 made locally. I love the Robert August it’s a hoot. Maybe having a shark parked next to my leg when surfing alone a few years back spooked me a bit. 🙁
Im sure I will hit the wave’s again, still dreaming of living on the East coast, a walking distance from the line up. I love to be near the sea, not so keen of the red dirt.

Since Covid we purchase as simple camper trailer, This became a new project involving all my skills. It has what most modern luxury campers have today. I will have to write a page on this topic.
Thanks for your time
73’s and good DX