I have restored a few radio over the years.
I was an Icom fan in the early 90s but I went to the light and turned to Yaesu 🙂
My first classic Yaesu was the FRG 7.
When I get the time I will be putting up some of my restoration projects.
I also collect anything that looks interesting, classic transistor radios, short wave radio are on my hit list.
Realistic DX200 Drake TR7 and Yeasu Realistic DX160 Dick Smith Ham radio kits Grundig 6001 Mohican GC-1A Yaesu ft901D Yaesu ft980 Yeasu ft726 Yaesu ft757 Yaesu FT102 Yaesu FT101E Yeasu FR101 Yeasu clock AOR3000 Eddy stone EC10 Yaesu ft227R Barlow Wadley Nova tech Pilot 2